Do candidates pay a fee to RD Worldwide?

There is no charge to any candidate that works with RD Worldwide. Our services are free to you.  Any fee is paid by the hiring company.


What should I do if I am interested in one or more of your current searches?

We’re excited to work with you! If you are interested in one or more of our searches you can apply directly to the job posting or send your resume to


Can I speak with a Recruiter for a specific search?

Absolutely! We are eager to learn more about you and your career aspirations. You can reach any of the consultants.


What if I am interested in pursuing opportunities in but am not necessarily interested in applying for any of your current searches?

We would love to help find a position that fits your future goals! New positions with our clients open frequently. Please email a copy of your resume to and let us know if you are interested in receiving emails with occasional job postings.


How else can I introduce myself to you?

Give us a call us at our office at (608) 741-2300 to speak to any of the consultants. You can also email any of the consultants as well.


Will you send out my resume without asking?

No, we will always ask before sending out your resume for a new opening.


What can I expect in the interview process?

We want to help you be as prepared as possible when you enter the interview process. We will send you interview prep notes, interview strategies, and give you all the information you need about the company.

In short, the process is as follows:


Why do you request contact information for three references at this early stage in the process?

It helps to get you ahead in the process. We have found these simple reference checks to be a great way for our candidates to get initial interviews.

We ask for references as soon as we submit a candidate to our client that way we will be able to send questionnaires out and get them back by the time you are scheduled for an interview. It helps to speed up the process.


What can I expect at time of job offer ?

We assist with job offer negotiation as needed.